Vision and Mission
Passionate urge for excellence at par.
Mission :
To develop in our students the zeal to utilize their potential to the maximum as well as a mindset for excellence and nurture them to be a responsible and caring citizen.
We believe that our mission can be achieved through a passion for well rounded education with a pursuit of excellence in academic knowledge, skills and behaviour that will develop moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects of each child upto to his inherent potential, which will lead to a mind set for excellence to emerge as global leaders in their respective fields.
Aims and Objectives
To inculcate the ethics for sustainability in its true sense.
To assist in “ National Reconstruction” by raising the standard of living of the people for the globalized world.
To train the young brigade of the country to be good citizens and competent enough to play their part effectively in the social and economic development.
To improve practical and vocational efficiency of the students by developing scientific attitude to think objectively.
To imbibe the spirit of Social and National Integration and develop social, moral and spiritual values among the students.
To develop in our students, a positive attitude, self-esteem, confidence and instill innovative skills along with respect for human values and cultural ethos.
To develop a mindset for continuous improvement and excellence in work and to promote a sense of discipline and imbibe a sense of responsibility and devotion to work.